Über IFP
IFP ist eine Gruppe von Verrückten, die sich vorgenommen hat das Stück "The Internet Is For Porn" live aufzuführen.
irc.freenode.net #ifp
Jeden Sonntag 15:00 Uhr
Nächste Treffen
Sonntag, den 21.11.2010 um 15:00 Uhr
- 1.0h Stimmübungen
- 1.5h Abschnitt singen
- 0.5h Gesamtes Stück singen
- 0.5h Absprachen fürs nächste Treffen
- Wand im Kongresssaal
- Beamershow (Pornsites, amazon.com, ...)
- personalisierte T-Shirts
- Wir sitzen verteilt im Publikum und gehen singend auf die Bühne
- Zweiköpfiges Trekkiemonster (Paul und Olaf?)
- Trekkie versteckt sich hinter Kate
- Pink gefärbte Haare für Olaf
- Pornooutfit für Olaf (Goldkettchen, Brusthaartupee, offenes Hemd, Pornobrille)
Canonical Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPopbWVdME -- Mit *fast* richtigen Untertiteln
Canonical Text
KATE: Finally I get to teach a whole lesson *all by myself*! And *I'm* gonna teach something *relevant*, something *modern*... The Internet! Hah!
KATE: The Internet is really really great... TREKKIE: For Porn! KATE: [?!?] I got a fast connection so I don't have to wait.. TREKKIE: For Porn! KATE: There's always some new site, TREKKIE: For Porn! KATE: I browse all day and night, TREKKIE: For Porn! KATE: It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light! TREKKIE: FOR! PORN! KATE: Trekkieee?? TREKKIE: The Internet is for *Porn*! KATE: Tre-kkie?! TREKKIE: The Internet is for *Porn*! KATE: What are you DOING!?! TREKKIE: Why you think the net was born?? Porn, Porn, Pooorn! [...] KATE: Trekkie Monster! TREKKIE: What? KATE: *Get* down here! TREKKIE: Yeah yeah yeah [...] HE-LLO Kate Monst-er! KATE: You are *ruining my song*! TREKKIE: Oh me *sorry*, me no *mean* to KATE: Well if you wouldn't *mind* please, being *quite* for a minute, so I can finish? TREKKIE: Okie dokie! KATE: Good! I'm glad we have this new technology, TREKKIE: For Porn! -- Oops, (sorry.) KATE: Which gives us untold opportunities, TREKKIE: For Porn... Oooops *sorry*! KATE: Right from your own desktop TREKKIE: For... KATE: You can research, browse and shop TREKKIE: [gulp] KATE: Until you've had enough, and are ready to stop! TREKKIE: FOR! PORN! KATE: Trekkieee. TREKKIE: The Internet is for *Porn*! KATE: Noooo. TREKKIE: The Internet is for *Porn*! KATE: Trekkieee! TREKKIE: Me up all night, honking me horn, to Porn, Porn, POOORN! KATE: THAT'S *GROSS*! You are a pervert. TREKKIE: Oh, *sticks and stones*, Kate Monster... KATE: Nooo, really -- *you* are a pervert. *Normal* people don't sit at home, and look at porn on The Internet. TREKKIE: [Duh....................] Ooooh? KATE: What? TREKKIE: *You* have *no* *i*-*dea*! Ready, "Normal People"?? BRIAN: Ready! GARY: Ready! ROD: Ready! TREKKIE: Let me hear it! TREKKIE+Guys: The Internet is for *Porn*! PRINCETON: *Sorry* Kate, TREKKIE+Guys: The Internet is for *Porn*! PRINCETON: I *masturbate*! TREKKIE: All these guys unzip their flies, for TREKKIE+Guys: Porn, Porn, POOORN! KATE: The Internet is *not* for porn. TREKKIE+Guys: PORN, POORN, ... KATE: HOLD ON for a second!! TREKKIE: What. KATE: Now I happen to know *for a fact*, that *you*, Rod, check you portfolio, and trade stocks on-line -- ROD: That's correct -- KATE: And Brian, *you* buy things on amazon.com -- BRIAN: Sure -- KATE: And Gary, *you* keep selling your posessions on e-Bay -- GARY: Yes I do! -- KATE: And Princeton, *you* sent me that sweet on-line birthday card :-) PRINCETON: True. TREKKIE: Ooh but Kate, what you think he do *after*, hmmmm? :-P Guys: hihihihihih KATE: EEEEWWW! TREKKIE+Guys: The Internet is for Porn! KATE: Groooss! TREKKIE+Guys: The Internet is for Porn! KATE: I *hate* porn. :-( TREKKIE: Grab your Dick and double-click, for TREKKIE+Guys: Porn, Porn, POOORN! KATE: I hate men! TREKKIE+Guys: [harmonizing] Po-o-o-o-orn, KATE: I'M LEAVING! TREKKIE+Guys: Po-o-o-o-orn, KATE: (I hate the internet!) TREKKIE: The Internet is for, TREKKIE+some: (The) Internet is for, TREKKIE+all: (The) Internet is FOR PORN!!! TREKKIE: Yeeaah!