dccmessage: [irc hostname] dccmessage: PRIVMSG dccmessage: crawler dccmessage: :DCC dccmessage: SEND dccmessage: .profile [dynamisch aufgrund der spaces] dccmessage: 3232235521 [long integer ip] dccmessage: 1482 [vorletzter wert] dccmessage: 202 [letzter wert]
{{{@dccmessages[0] ==> ip @dccmessages[5] ==> filename @dccmessages[7] ==> port @dccmessages[8] ==> size}}}
sub on_dcc { # &on_dcc($dccip,@dccmessages[5],@dccmessages[7],@dccmessages[8]); my ($dccserver, $dccfilename, $dccport, $dccsize) = @_; # $MySocket=new IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort=>$dccport,Proto=>'tcp',PeerAddr=>$dccserver); # $MySocket->recv($binary,1024); # open (TEST, ">>/tmp/$dccfilename") or do { warn "Can't open test file: $!"; return; }; # $end=0; # while($end!=-1){ # print TEST $binary; # $MySocket->recv($binary,1024); #one week ago I read that it's bad putting system calls into loops well here it is ;) # if($binary eq ""){ # $end=-1; # } # } # print"transmission finished"; socket(DCCSH,PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) || die $!; my $sin1 = sockaddr_in($dccport,inet_aton($dccserver)); open (TEST, ">>/tmp/$dccfilename") or do { warn "Can't open test file: $!"; return; }; connect(DCCSH,$sin1) ; do{ $nread = sysread($sin1 # while(<DCCSH>){ # print TEST $_; # } # $self->new_get($event, \*TEST); # print "Saving incoming DCC SEND to /tmp/net-irc.dcctest\n";
sub dcc{ my ($dccserver, $dccport, $dccfilename, $dccsize)= @_; my $long = unpack "L", inet_aton $dccserver; my $dccserver = inet_ntoa pack "L", $long; print "dcc send from: $dccserver on $dccport\n"; $dccconnection=new IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort=>$dccport,Proto=>'tcp',PeerAddr=>$dccserver); open(FILE,">>/tmp/$dccfilename"); $packetsize=512; do{ if($dccsize>=0){ $nread=sysread($dccconnection,$buffer,$packetsize); $dccsize=$dccsize-$packetsize; # print "dccsize: $dccsize\n"; # print "packetsize: $packetsize\n"; print FILE $buffer; } if($dccsize-$packetsize<0){ $packetsize=$dccsize; print "packetsize: $packetsize\n"; print "dccsize - packetsize = ".$dccsize-$packetsize."\n"; sleep 1; } }while($dccsize != 0); close(FILE); close($dccconnection); print"\n\nfile successfully downloaded\n\n"; }
echo "Generating Code: "; export d=-1; for((i=0;i<=255;i++)); do echo ",$i"; done | rl | while read number; do d=`expr $d + 1`; echo $d$number; done | while read lines; do printf "$lines,"; done; echo "";
Timing mittels time.h:
#include <time> ... clock_t clo; clo=clock(); .... clo=clock()-clo; printf("%lf s\n",clo/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); ...
Quick n dirty for the lazy ones
photos kopieren:
mount | grep cam if [ $? == 1 ]; then echo cam not mounted ... user=`id -un`; notmounted=1; if [ "$user" = "root" ]; then echo user is root mounting cam... mount /dev/sda1 /cam; else echo user not allowed to mount cam.. exit 1; fi else notmounted=0; fi printf "Enter destination: " cd 2003 read directory test -d directory if [ $? == 1 ]; then echo Creating directory $directory; echo copying pictures from digicam; mkdir $directory cp /cam/dcim/100casio/* $directory/; echo done... else echo Sorry directory already exists... fi if [ $notmounted == 1 ]; then echo unmounting cam; umount /cam fi
thumbnails und compression for the lazy ones hehe
cd /var/www/photos rm cat_* cd /var/www/2003 for FILE in $(ls); do ln `pwd`/$FILE /var/www/photos/cat_`echo $FILE | sed 's/_//g'` -s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null; done; cd /var/www/photos for FILE in $(ls cat_* -d); do cd $FILE TAG=$(ls index.html); if [ "$TAG" == "index.html" ]; then echo $FILE; echo "Tag vorhanden"; else for CONV in $(ls *jpg); do echo "Compressing $CONV..."; convert $CONV $CONV.1; mv $CONV.1 $CONV; done; echo "done." echo "running galrey to create thumbnails..." galrey 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null echo "done." echo "renaming thumbnails..." for FILE in $(ls t*); do mv $FILE TN_`echo $FILE | sed s/t_//g;`; done echo "done." echo "deleting galrey html files..." rm *html echo "done." echo "tagging as done.." touch index.html; echo "done." fi; cd .. done;
checkhost: #!/bin/bash # (C)opyright 2003 Markus Rechberger <markus@karlsruhe.kicks-ass.net> # # etwas drunter und drüber aber es sollte funktioniern :) # version: 1.6 # setting up some variables host=myhost . /etc/vpnhost lockfile=/var/run/vpncheck.pid user=`id -un` verbose=1 hosttimeout=1 vpntimeout=1 debug=0 if [ "$debug" = "1" ]; then date > /tmp/checkhostdbg echo $PATH >> /tmp/checkhostdbg fi if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then hosttimeout=60 vpntimeout=30 verbose=0; fi if [ "$user" != "root" ]; then output "this script may only be run as user root" exit 1 fi output(){ if [ $verbose == 1 ]; then echo $* fi } test -f $lockfile if [ $? == 1 ]; then echo $$ > $lockfile else vpnpid=`cat $lockfile` output "Check is running ($vpnpid) exiting!" exit 0 fi vpncheck(){ timeout -2 3 ping -c 1 $vpnhost> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then output "VPN Host seems to be filtered or down!"; test -f /var/run/vtundclient.pid if [ $? == 0 ]; then output Found vtundclient pid vtunpid=`cat /var/run/vtundclient.pid`; rm /var/run/vtundclient.pid output "validating.." output vtunpid: $vtunpid; test -d /proc/$vtunpid; if [ $? == 0 ]; then output vtunpid valid: $vtunpid .. killing kill $vtunpid else output "vtunpid wasn't valid .. " fi fi down=1; else output "VPN Host seems to be nice!"; down=0; fi } vpncheck; if [ $down == 1 ]; then output "running renewal process"; while [ "$down" == "1" ]; do timeout -2 3 ping -c 1 $host > /dev/null if [ $? == 1 ]; then output "host is still down!.. sleeping $hosttimeout seconds"; sleep $hosttimeout else output "host seems to be online!"; output "trying to reconnect vpn"; sh -c "/etc/init.d/subscript $host $$"& output "sleeping $vpntimeout seconds" sleep $vpntimeout vpncheck; if [ $down == 1 ]; then output "restarting check"; else output "everything seems to be up again .."; fi fi done fi output check for update version=`timeout 3 lynx --dump http://$host/vpn/checkhost | head -n 5 - | grep version | awk '{print $3}'` if [ "$version" = "$installed" ]; then output version is up do date else tempdir=$$ output version differs .. getting and installing new one mkdir /tmp/$tempdir.vpn wget --directory-prefix=/tmp/$tempdir.vpn http://$host/vpn/checkhost http://$host/vpn/subscript --non-verbose 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null cat /etc/vpnhost | grep -v installed > /tmp/vpnhost.$$ echo installed=$version >> /tmp/vpnhost.$$ mv /tmp/vpnhost.$tempdir /etc/vpnhost mv /tmp/$tempdir.vpn/checkhost /etc/init.d/checkhost mv /tmp/$tempdir.vpn/subscript /etc/init.d/subscript rm -rf /tmp/$tempdir.vpn chmod 700 /etc/init.d/subscript chmod 700 /etc/init.d/checkhost fi rm $lockfile
subscript: #!/bin/bash PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin . /etc/vpnhost if [ "$2" = "$PPID" ] && [ "$2" != "" ]; then echo $$>/var/run/vtundclient.pid; exec vtund $client $1 -n $options </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; else echo "this script mustn't run as user/root" fi
democonfig #sample config file vpnhost=<myvpnip> # master server options="-P 5000" # optional vtund settings client=rvbackup # vtund client installed=1.6
wddx tagcloser v0.1:
# wddx tag closer - Markus Rechberger <mrechberger |at| web -dot- de> # open(HANDLER,"<file.xml"); my $content=<HANDLER>; my $pos=0; my $found=0; $opened=0; my @tag; my $nexttag; my $endtag; do{ $pos=index($content,'<',$pos); $nextpos=index($content,'/>',$pos); $nextendpos=index($content,'>',$pos); if($nextendpos-1 == $nextpos){ # simply ignore this single tag $pos=$nextendpos; } else { if(substr($content,$pos,2) ne "</"){ $nexttag=index($content,'<',$pos+1); $endtag=index($content,'>',$pos); if(($endtag>$nexttag&&$nexttag!=-1)||$endtag==-1){ if($nexttag!=0){ $content=substr($content,0,$pos); } $pos=-1; $opened--; } else{ $nexttag=index($content,' ',$pos+1); if($nexttag!=-1&&$nexttag<$endtag){ $nexttag--; $endtag=$nexttag; } $tag[$opened++]=substr($content,$pos+1,$endtag-$pos); $found++; if($endtag==$nexttag){ $tag[$opened-1]=$tag[$opened-1].">"; } } } else { $endtag=index($content,'>',$pos); $opened--; if($endtag==-1){ print "cuting\n"; $content=substr($content,0,$pos); $pos=-1; } } if($pos!=-1){ $pos++; } } } while($pos!=-1); if($opened>0){ print"damaged wddx detected\n"; } for($i=$opened;$i>=0;$i--){ $recover.="</$tag[$i]"; } my $recovered=$content.$recover; open(FINAL,">recovered.xml"); print FINAL $recovered; close(FINAL); close(HANDLER);
Nettes script um google/groups im überblick zu behalten sed sollte ich mir da noch etwas anschauen..
rm tmp.$$; touch tmp.$$; touch stamp.$$; clear export UPDATED; while :; do links 'http://www.google.com/groups?NR=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=comp.os.linux.advocacy' -dump -width 200| sed s#\([0123456789][0123456789]\ article.*##g | sed s#\([0123456789]\ article.*##g| grep 2003 |while read a b c d; do if [ "$c" = "`date +%Y`" ]; then MESSAGE="$a-$b-$c $d"; fi; echo $MESSAGE | while read line; do cat tmp.$$ | grep `echo $line | md5sum` -c | while read foo; do if [ "$foo" = "0" ]; then echo "$line"; echo $line | md5sum >> tmp.$$; export UPDATED=1; else export UPDATED=0; fi; done; done; done; sleep 5; if [ "`cat stamp.$$`" != "`md5sum tmp.$$`" ]; then md5sum tmp.$$ > stamp.$$; echo ============== UPDATED ==========; fi; done
C array beispiel
dynamische allocierung eines multidimensionalen arrays, array pointer mittels realloc damit die alten pointer nicht verloren gehen und die neuen mit malloc
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main () { char input[50],n; int count=0; char **strings = NULL; do{ scanf("%s",input); strings = (char**) realloc (strings,(count+1)*sizeof(char**)); strings[count]=(char*) malloc(sizeof(input)); strcpy(strings[count],input); count++; } while (strcmp(input,"end")!=0); printf("\n"); for (n=0;n<count;n++){ printf ("entered: %s \n",strings[n]); free(strings[n]); } free(strings); return 0; }