* smartsuite
[ nokia sms gateway] ---- [ pc ] <------> [ ircbot ] | | [ websms(reply) ] [ automated mp3 download ]
cool... jetzt hast auch deine eigene link-seite - JürgenRiemer
Bash script zum umbenennen von 188 files:
ls --color=no | grep -v backup | while read filename; do export filenamex=`echo $filename | sed 's/...............$//g'`; export temp=`echo $filename | replace $filenamex ""`; mv $filename $filenamex-`date +%d-%m-%Y-german`$temp; done
cd /var/www/html.video/customers/quadriga/2002-10-16_QUADRIGAALONE/symlinks2; #ls --color=no | grep -v index.php | grep -v script | while read filename; do echo $filename | sed s/...............$//g; done | sort | uniq | perl -e 'while(<STDIN>){ $_=~s/\n//g; print"$_;"; }' #ls --color=no | grep -v index.php | grep -v script | while read filename; do echo $filename | sed s/...............$//g; done | sort | uniq | perl -e 'while(<STDIN>){ $_=~s/\n//g; print"$_;"; $_=~s/-english//g; $_=~s/-german//g; $_=~s/...........$//g; $exec=`ls ../symlinks/$_* 2>&1>/dev/null; echo $?`; print "exec:".$exec; }' | while read filename; do echo $filename; done; ls --color=no /var/www/html.video/customers/quadriga/2002-10-16_QUADRIGAALONE/symlinks | while read filename; do test -f ../$filename; if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo $filename; fi; done | while read filename; do filename=`echo $filename | sed 's/.\{15\}$//g'`; echo $filename; done | sort | uniq | while read filename; do ls ../symlinks2/$filename* 2>&1 > /dev/null 2>&1 > /dev/null; if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then echo "file doesn't exist - creating:"; echo $filename; else echo "file exists"; fi; done;
ls --color=no /var/www/html.video/customers/quadriga/2002-10-16_QUADRIGAALONE/symlinks | while read filename; do test -f ../symlinks/$filename; if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo $filename; fi; done | while read filename; do filename=`echo $filename | sed 's/.\{15\}$//g'`; echo $filename; done | sort | uniq | while read filename; do ls ../symlinks2/$filename* 2>&1 > /dev/null 2>&1 > /dev/null; if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then ls ../symlinks/$filename* | while read filename; do cp -d ../symlinks/$filename ../uebergang; done; fi; done;
the art of bad coding.... l1
rm /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/index.html; ls /var/www/html.video/customers/ --color=no | grep -v microsoft_play-mp | grep -v putty.exe | while read filename; do echo "<a href=\"$filename/\">$filename</a><br>" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/index.html; rm /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/index.html; htpasswd -nb "$filename" "data$filename" > /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/.htpasswd_$filename; echo "AuthUserFile /var/www/html/newlogv2/.htpasswd_$filename" > /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/.htaccess; echo "AuthType Basic" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/.htaccess; echo "AuthName \"$filename Security Area - Videoabrufe\"" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/.htaccess; echo "require valid-user" >> /var/www/html/newlogv2/$filename/.htaccess; ls /var/www/html.video/customers/$filename | grep -v index | grep -v .wmv | grep -v .mov | grep -v .asf | while read filename1; do echo "<a href=\"$filename/$filename1/\">$filename1</a><br>" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/index.html; rm /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/index.html; ls /var/www/html.video/customers/$filename/$filename1 | grep -v .wmv | grep -v .wma | grep -v .asf | grep -v .mov | grep -v index | grep -v links | while read filename3; do echo "<a href=\"$filename/$filename1/$filename3/\">$filename3</a><br>" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/index.html; echo $filename/$filename1/$filename3; mkdir -p /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3; cp ~/template/analog-source.conf /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.conf; echo "FILEINCLUDE /customers/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/*" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.conf; echo "OUTFILE /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.dat" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.conf; echo "CACHEOUTFILE /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog-1.cache" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.conf; echo "CACHEFILE /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.cache" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/analog.conf; cp ~/template/rmagic-source.ini /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/rmagic.ini; echo "Title = $filename - $filename3" >> /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/rmagic.ini; echo "<a href=\"reports/\">reporting</a>" > /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/$filename/$filename1/$filename3/index.html; done; done; done; /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/script-fixadig
find /var/www/html.video/newlogv2 | grep conf | while read filename; do echo $filename | replace "/"`basename $filename` "" | while read directory; do mv $directory/analog-1.cache $directory/analog.cache; analog -g$filename; done; done;
worst case....
PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/rmagic-2.15/; export PATH; find /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/ | grep rmagic.ini | replace "/var/www/html.video/newlogv2" "" | while read filename; do cd /var/www/html.video/newlogv2`echo $filename | replace rmagic.ini "" | replace "." ""`; cat analog.dat | grep MB | grep Rb | perl -e '$i=0; while (<STDIN>){$_=~s/z//g; $_=~s/Rb//g; $_=~s/100kB- 1MB//g; $_=~s/1MB- 10MB//g;$_=~s/( )//g; $_=~s/^[ \t]*//g; @numbers=split(/[\t]/,"$_"); $hits[$i]=$numbers[0]; $calculate[$i]=$numbers[1]; $var[$i]=$_; $i++;} $erg=$calculate[0]+$calculate[1];$hitcalc=$hits[0]+$hits[1]; print"z\tRb\t$hitcalc\t$erg\t100kB- 10MB\n";' | while read target; do cat analog.dat | grep -v 1MB | replace "10kB-100kB" "markerstring$target" | perl -e 'while (<STDIN>){ $_=~ s/markerstring/10kb-100kB\n/g; print $_;}'; done | perl -e '$i=0; while(<STDIN>){$buffer[$i]=$_; $buffer[$i]=~ s/^[\t ]//; $i++;}; open(UPDATE,">analog.dat"); print UPDATE @buffer; close(UPDATE);'; pwd; grep x analog.dat 2>&1 > /dev/null; if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then rmagic.pl; else echo "invalid configure file in `pwd`" >> ~/invalid-config; fi; cd reports; rmagic-fix.pl DAILYSUM.html; ls --color=no *html | while read filename1; do rm-ads.pl $filename1; done; cat FILETYPE.html | replace "</td></tr></table>" "</td></tr></table><p><table cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"1\" width=\"85%\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><th>Zugriffsart</th><th>Anzahl der Anfragen</th><th>Prozentsatz</th></tr><tr><td>Cable/DSL</td><th align=\"right\">""`cat ../analog.dat | grep cable | while read a b c d e; do echo $d; done | perl -e '$buffer=0; while(<STDIN>){ $buffer=$buffer+$_; } print"$buffer</th><th align=\\"right\\"><script language=\\"javascript\\">function roundit(Num, Places)\{ if(Places>0)\{ if((Num.toString().length - Num.toString().lastIndexOf(\\".\\"))>(Places+1)) \{var Rounder=Math.pow(10,Places);return Math.round(Num*Rounder)/Rounder;\}else return Num;\}else return Math.round(Num);\}var erg=roundit(100/xxvaluexx*$buffer,2);document.write(erg+\\"%\\");</script>";'`""xx</th></tr></table>" | replace "xx</th></tr></table>" "</th></tr><td>Modem/56k</td><th align=\"right\">""`cat ../analog.dat | grep modem | while read a b c d e; do echo $d; done | perl -e '$buffer=0; while(<STDIN>){ $buffer=$buffer+$_; } print"$buffer</th><th align=\\"right\\"><script language=\\"javascript\\">test=100-erg; document.write(roundit(test,2)+\\"%\\");</script></th></tr></table>";'`" | replace "xxvaluexx" "`cat ../analog.dat | grep SR | grep x | while read a b c; do echo $c; done`" | perl -e '$i=0; while (<STDIN>){$buffer[$i++]=$_;} open(UPDATE2,">FILETYPE.html"); print UPDATE2 @buffer; close(UPDATE2);';done; /var/www/html.video/newlogv2/script-passwords
ssh mit ttysnoops kompilieren ... /configure --with-login=`which ttysnoops` (schaut besser aus :) in der config file uselogin yes oder so...
limitierung ttysnoop: 1.) fenstergrösse ist auf 80x25 limitiert 2.) funktioniert nicht mit NIS!
ttysnoop ttypX ...
dpkg-divert --divert /bin/login.real --add /bin/login mv /bin/login /bin/login.real echo "* socket login /bin/login.real" > /etc/snooptab cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.valid perl -p -i,orig -e 's#getty#getty -l /bin/login.real#g' /etc/inittab .. für lokale sessions, aber auch beachten ln -sf /usr/sbin/ttysnoops /bin/login init q echo "UseLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config bzw /usr/local/etc/sshd_config /etc/init.d/ssh restart
das selbe in bsd
watch -W ttypx
[yp]chfn - lokal/NIS change username and information [yp]chsh - lokal/NIS change shell ypwhich - return name of NIS server or map master ypmatch - print the values of one or more keys from a NIS map ypset - bind ypbind to a particular NIS server yppoll - return version and master server of a NIS map yppush - force propagation of changed NIS databases
utmp, wtmp - login records
#include <utmp.h> The utmp file allows one to discover information about who is currently using the system. There may be more users currently using the system, because not all programs use utmp logging. Warning: utmp must not be writable, because many system programs (foolishly) depend on its integrity. You risk faked system logfiles and modifications of system files if you leave utmp writable to any user.
w, who relies on utmp also file leeren und weit und breit wird kein user mehr in sicht sein ...
beim aufruf von deluser(script)/userdel(bin) wird utmp bevor der user wirklich gelöscht werden kann kontrolliert ob er wirklich noch eingelogt ist...
logout ist (afaik) z.b verantwortlich dafür das der user nach dem auslogen aus dieser file gelöscht wird
sollte ein user root rechte haben und sich etwas auskennen kann er sich mit diesem feature verstecken (sample "exploits" sind natürlich wieder überall erhältlich...) einzige kontrolle terminals /dev/pts/...
tar in verbindung mit split
tar -czvf - | split -b 2048m - backupfile.tar.gz. erstellt: backupfile.tar.gz.aa backupfile.tar.gz.ab
cat backupfile.tar.gz.* | tar -xzvf -
crypto ergebnisse
debian:/devel/crypto# make main; ./main 30 CaesarPermutationXORexampletest1 make: `main' is up to date. Key: 1 es fehlen: 0 zeichen! L�nge des neuen strings: 0 : alter string32 F�lle mit nullen: CaesarPermutationXORexampletest1 strlen eingabe: 2 Encodieter text: Part 0: (0) E`du`sPdsowt`thq Part 1: (16) n[QRdx`opldtdut3 ======== DECODING ========= Part 0: (0) CaesarPermutatio Part 1: (16) nXORexampletest1