Dateianhang 'moinmoin.css'


   1 /*  MoinMoin Default Styles
   3     Copyright (c) 2000 by Jürgen Hermann
   4 */
   5 body {
   6     background-color: #FFFFFF;
   7     color: #000000;
   8     font-family: serif;
   9     font-size: normal;
  10 }
  11 td.headline {
  12     font-family: Helvetica;
  13     font-size: 20pt;
  14 }
  15 h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 {
  16     font-family: Helvetica;
  17     background-color: #EECC99;
  18     padding-left:3pt;
  19     margin-top:2pt;
  20     margin-bottom:8pt;
  21     border-style:none;
  22     border-width:thin;
  23     width:100%;
  24 }
  25 h1 {
  26     font-size: 18pt;
  27 }
  28 h2 {
  29     font-size: 16pt;
  30     padding-left:6pt;
  31 }
  32 h3 {
  33     font-size: 12pt;
  34     padding-left:9pt;
  35 }
  36 h4 {
  37     font-size: 10pt;
  38     padding-left:12pt;
  39 }
  40 h5 {
  41     font-size: 8pt;
  42     padding-left:15pt;
  43 }
  44 a:link {
  45     color: #993306;
  46 }
  47 a:visited {
  48     color: #BB7733;
  49 }
  50 a.nonexistent {
  51     font-weight: bold;
  52     background-color: #F8F8F8;
  53     color: #FF2222;
  54 }
  55 a.nonexistent:visited {
  56     background-color: #F8F8F8;
  57     color: #FF2222;
  58 }
  59 a.external {
  60     color: #AA6600;
  61 }
  62 dl,ul,ol {
  63     margin-top: 1pt;
  64 }
  65 tt,pre {
  66     font-family: Lucida Console,Courier New,Courier,monotype;
  67     font-size: 10pt;
  68 }
  69 pre.code {
  70     margin-top: 8pt;
  71     margin-bottom: 8pt;
  72     background-color: #FFFFEE;
  73     white-space:pre;
  74     border-style:solid;
  75     border-width:1pt;
  76     border-color:#999999;
  77     color:#111111;
  78     padding:5px;
  79     width:100%;
  80 }
  81 div.diffold {
  82     background-color: #FFFF80;
  83     border-style:none;
  84     border-width:thin;
  85     width:100%;
  86 }
  87 div.diffnew {
  88     background-color: #80FF80;
  89     border-style:none;
  90     border-width:thin;
  91     width:100%;
  92 }
  93 div.message {
  94     margin-top: 6pt;
  95     background-color: #E8FFE8;
  96     border-style:solid;
  97     border-width:1pt;
  98     border-color:#999999;
  99     color:#440000;
 100     padding:5px;
 101     width:100%;
 102 }
 103 strong.highlight {
 104     background-color: #FFBBBB;
 105 /* as usual, NetScape fucks up with innocent CSS
 106     border-color: #FFAAAA;
 107     border-style: solid;
 108     border-width: 1pt;
 109 */
 110 }
 111 /* begin css for MonthCalendar macro */
 112 /* days without and with pages linked to them */
 113 {
 114     color: #777777;
 115     text-align: center;
 116 }
 117 {
 118     font-weight: bold;
 119     color: #000000;
 120     text-align: center;
 121 }
 122 /* general stuff: workdays, weekend, today */
 123 {
 124     background-color: #DDDDFF;
 125     text-align: center;
 126 }
 127 {
 128     background-color: #FFDDDD;
 129     text-align: center;
 130 }
 131 {
 132     background-color: #CCFFCC;
 133     border-style: solid;
 134     border-width: 2pt;
 135     text-align: center;
 136 }
 137 /* invalid places on the monthly calendar sheet */
 138 {
 139     background-color: #CCCCCC;
 140 }
 141 /* links to prev/next month/year */
 142 {
 143     color: #000000;
 144     text-decoration: none;
 145 }
 146 {
 147     background-color: #DDBBFF;
 148     text-align: center;
 149 }
 150 /* end css for MonthCalendar macro */

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  • [laden | anzeigen] (2008-07-13 22:31:49, 1.5 KB) [[attachment:industry_kills_music.jpg]]
  • [laden | anzeigen] (2002-05-25 23:20:08, 2.7 KB) [[attachment:moinmoin.css]]
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